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DO, BE, HAVE Goal Setting Exercise

Welcome to "DO, BE, HAVE"!

This is a goal setting technique designed to help you find what you want in life.

Without having a clear idea of the things you want to happen in your life, it’s almost impossible to set goals that feel truly meaningful. Without meaningful goals its almost impossible to do the hard work required to get to the other side of success.

That’s where DO, BE, HAVE comes in…


Directions for Use:

  1. Fill out this template from start to finish.
  2. Take your time; there's no rush. Reflect deeply on each question.
  3. After completing, save or pin it in a place where you can revisit regularly.
  4. Do it every 3-4 months to reassess what you’ve done and what you want going forward.

Step 1: DO

Write down 3-5 experiences you want to have before you die.

Life is finite and so is the list of peak experiences that you can have.